We will accept toy donations from Nov. 1st -Dec. 4th. Start cleaning our your closets and toy chests now and get ready to donate on Nov. 1st!

Steps to Donating/Redistributing Toys this Holiday Season:

Step 1: Clean out your basement, closet, and garage

It all starts with you locating toys you would like to donate. Remember that stack of boxes you haven’t dealt with in years? Now is the perfect time to break it open and see what you’re ready to let go of!

Step 2: Assess and prepare

Assess if the toy is something you would’ve been excited to unwrap yourself as a child. If the toy is in bad shape, skip it. If it is a high quality toy, we are excited to redistribute it! Some toys may need a bit of TLC. If a toy is nearly in good condition, but needs a bit of a washdown, please do this at home before donating. See the Do’s and Don’ts of donating below.

Step 3: Contact us

Please use this contact form below to begin the process of donating.

Contact us

Please indicate what you plan to donate.


Step 4: Toy drop off

Check your email for directions about how/where/when to drop off you donation.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Redistributing Toys


  • Consider donating toys that appeal to a wide range of children and teenagers. While dolls, legos, etc. are great for younger kids, more interactive toys such as science kits, puzzles, sports equipment, art supplies, etc. are great for older kids.

  • A quality control check. Make sure the toy is clean, maybe brush the doll’s hair, make sure all pieces in a puzzle are present. Please check to make sure battery-operated toys are in working condition with fresh batteries.

  • Think about if the toy is appropriate. Some toys become outdated with time. Something that was acceptable 20 years ago may no longer seem appropriate for children.

  • Try to donate some of your favorite toys from the past. Letting go can be hard, but remember that this toy will get a second life in the hands of a child who needs it!


  • Use this as an opportunity to get rid of old junk. We will not accept donations of old Happy Meal toys or similar knick-knacks. Again, please donate high quality toys.

  • Drop off dirty toys. If toys are already clean upon donation, this saves us valuable time.

  • Hold onto toys that no longer serve you. This is a great opportunity to clear up some space in your house and keep toys out of the landfill.

  • We are not accepting stuffed animals or soft/fabric toys.